Monday, February 4, 2013

Cinnamon Rolls

Homemade yummy goodness.  Always make a big batch of Cinnamon Rolls so you can enjoy them for a few days. I only make these with my Homemade White Bread Dough.

Bread Dough
Melted Butter
Dental Floss
Pastry Cloth and Pastry Brush

After your dough has risen once pull out your pastry cloth and rolling pin.  Spread a little flour on your pastry cloth so the dough won't stick.  Roll out the dough in a large rectangle shape to desired thickness.  I usually roll mine to about 1/4 inch thick.

Spread melted butter over entire rectangle of dough.  I like to use a pastry brush and paint the butter evenly over the dough.  Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon over the butter.  Use as much as you'd like.  I think, the more the better!  Sometimes I have added raisins and craisins to liven things up. 

Starting at the top of your dough, roll into one big log.  Slide a strand of dental floss under the log about 2 inches from the end, overlap the two ends of the dental floss as if to tie a knot (don't really tie a knot) and then "cut" through the dough.  The dental floss works better than a knife by not smashing your dough.

Place your cinnamon rolls on a greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for approximately 15 minutes or until lightly golden.  Top with Cream Cheese Frosting.